What You Should Do when the Garage Door Doesn't Move
07/28/2013 Back To BlogMachines are made by people for the people and their conveniences and that's why they ought to obey to our orders. Basically, that's exactly what they do. The residents of Florida give orders and the devices execute them in a matter of seconds. When you press the remote, the television is turned on, the car locks get unlocked and the garage doors open. In some cases, machines lose control due to a certain malfunction and no matter how many times we would press the button of the remote controls, garage doors will remain still and the only solution would be to open the door manually.
Why the opener refuses to obey
* If the sensors don't work properly, the door may stop working properly or keep opening and closing constantly. You must check whether there is an object – even a tiny one – between the door and the floor and you must also check whether there is something wrong with their communication with the opener.
* You should check the garage opener remote because the slightest problem may have put it out of order. The best way to ensure its condition is check the inner circuit to see if everything seems fine and in place and you must take the opportunity to clean it well. If the batteries have died, you can easily replace them and if it needs to be reprogrammed, you should follow the instructions in the manual or call a garage door repair in Fort Lauderdale.
* A snapped cable or a broken garage door spring would result to the inability of the door to move. This is rather a serious situation, which calls for immediate replacement of the broken part.
* Sometimes, the problem is simpler and the solution obvious. Check, for instance, whether there is power in the house. If the power is out for any reason, you should use the backup system of the opener that allows the unit to function with batteries or you would just have to pull the emergency release cord.